Aylesford, Kent

Year 11 Lessons



Chapter 1

Jesus the Saviour

1. Do you accept Jesus as your saviour and redeemer? Explain your reasons. Include Bible verses that affirms your thoughts. (600 words)

Chapter 2

Jesus The Historical Person

1. What are the evidences we have to prove Jesus’s historicity? How does it help your faith? (500 words)
2. Read about Ananias and Saphira and do write up on the incident. (100 words)

Chapter 3

Personally Of Jesus

1. What are the personality traits of Jesus? Include at least 10 Bible verses. (500 words)

Chapter 4

Grooming the Christian Personality

1. What is your personality like? How can you develop yourself into a Christian personality? (500 words)

Chapter 5

Traits of Christian Personality

1. What is your understanding on factors contributing to Christian identity? (500 words)

Chapter 6

Christian Conscience

What is the importance of having the right conscience? Narrate an incident from your life where you applied Christian conscience. (500 words)

Chapter 7
Life – Its Dignity and Value

1. Life is a precious gift from God. How does the modern society fails to respect this gift? (500 words)
2. What is your view on the ‘Theory of Evolution’? (100 words)

Chapter 8
To Love and To Give Life

1. Marriage is a salvific call of God. Discuss your opinion about the right attitude of a Christian towards marriage. (300 words)
2. Write a prayer to receive God’s call of vocation in your life. (100 words)

Chapter 9
Wealth and Social Justice

1. Discuss your opinion about the acquisition of wealth by unjust means and how the christian teachings help you to form this view. (300 words)
2. List the social teachings of the Church about acquisition of wealth. (300 words)

Chapter 10
Dignity of Labour

1. Work is a participation in the creative activity of God. Explain. (300 words)
2. Discuss your views on unjust wages. (300 words)

Chapter 11
Christian Response to Social Evils

1. What are the social evils discussed in Chapter 11? Which one do you think is the worst? What are the measures that could be brought to control this? (600 words)

Chapter 12
Salt of the Earth and Light of the world

1. Discuss three qualities of salt that could be applied to Christian life. (300 words)
2. How can a Christian be the light of the world following the path of Jesus? (300 words)