Aylesford, Kent

Year 12 Lessons


Chapter 1

Faith and Life

1. Explain the characteristics of faith. (300 words)
2. Discuss the role of your parents in passing their faith to you. (200 words)
3. What will be your stand if you are tempted to give up faith for worldly attainments?
(100 words)

Chapter 2

Theories Contradictory  To Faith

1. Discuss the theories in History which challenged faith. (300 words)
2. The Church disagrees with ‘Communism’. What could be the reason? What is your
view on ‘Communism’ (300 words)

Chapter 3

Challenges raised by Pentecostal Communities

1. Why does the Church oppose the Pentecostal movements? (300 words)
2. How important is the Holy Mass in your life? (200 words)

Chapter 4

Temptations of Life

1. Briefly discuss the temptations of life described in this chapter. (100 words)
2. How does it contradict the Christian way of life? (500 words)

Chapter 5

Christian Life A Fight against Evil

1. How can you confront the evil and be victorious in the ‘Spiritual warfare’? (500 words)

Chapter 6
Holy Bible : The Written Word of God

1. Describe the stages of God’s revelation. (400 words)
2. Why is it said that the Bible is inspired by God? (200 words)

Chapter 7
Christian Life Based on the Word of God

1. How does the life-giving and sanctifying Word of God help you in your daily life? (400
2. Read Psalms 119 and write down the verse that touched you.

Chapter 8
Catholic Church and other Christian Churches

1. Make a chart on the split of Church in Kerala. Include the years.
2. Describe the Characteristics of the Church. (150 words)
3. Do you think ‘Ecumenism’ is a requirement of today? Please discuss. (150 words)

Chapter 9
Church and World Religions

1. Do you accept the idea that irrespective of the religion, being good is enough? Please
discuss. (250 words)
2. How is Christianity different from other religions? Please include your thoughts as
well. (150 words)

Chapter 10
Christian Life and Mass Medias

1. Evaluate the positive and negative influences of media. (300 words)
2. Think about your favourite television program and discuss whether it has a positive or
negative impact in your life. (100 words)

Chapter 11
Faith and Reason

1. How does faith and reason complement each other? Please include any of your personal
experience. (400 words)

Chapter 12
You, Be My Witnesses

1. What are the different ways to be witnesses of Jesus? (500 words)

Note: You may include your experiences in life when you discuss the topics.