Aylesford, Kent


The English word “catechise” means to teach biblical truth in an orderly way. Catechism is the instruction in the basic doctrines of the Christian faith. Instead of replacing or supplanting the role of the Bible in Christian education, catechism ideally serves as the basis for it. The practice of catechism should ideally have a two-fold emphasis. The first of these emphases centres around the home and the second, on the role of the church. The goal of the Sunday school program, is to further and support those efforts at catechism ideally begun in the home.

Year 1: God The Creator

Audio Lesson
Year 2: God The Saviour

Audio Lesson

In the Gospel of John 14:6 Jesus says, “I am the way the truth and life.” It is through catechism we learn to walk in this way, we experience the truth, to live, the eternal life.

Work books based on the Catechetical Textbook Series of the Syro-Malabar Church.

Year 3: God The Life Giver

Audio LessonsWork Book
Year 4: Streams of Life

Audio LessonsWork Book
Year 5: The People Who Awaited the Redeemer

Audio LessonsWork Book
Year 6: The People Who Experienced Jesus

Audio LessonsWork Book

The church teaches her children about Jesus, teaches us how to pray and guides us in the righteous way to follow Jesus. In the Gospel of John 14:6 Jesus says, “I am the way the truth and life.” It is through catechism we learn to walk in this way, we experience the truth, to live, the eternal life.

Year 7: Teachings Of Jesus

Audio LessonsWork Book
Year 8: Church The People Of God

Audio LessonsWork Book
Year 9: Church The Worshipping Community

Audio LessonsWork Book
Year 10: Church The Missionary Community

Audio LessonsWork Book

The church teaches her children about Jesus, teaches us how to pray and guides us in the righteous way to follow Jesus.

Year 11 : Christian Life In The Church & Society

LessonsWork Book
Year 12: Christian Life In The Church & Society

LessonsWork Book